Where is a good place to stay on the Oregon coast?
2006-02-09 17:23:58 UTC
Where is a good place to stay on the Oregon coast?
Two answers:
2006-02-09 19:15:00 UTC
We stayed in Rockaway, which is quieter and less crowded and less expensive than most of the coast. This one is actually time share condos that are rented out. It is right on the ocean, and very nice.

Rockaway Beach Resort

615 N. Pacific

Rockaway, OR 97136


Some say they are on the beach, but they really don't have a beach view. See the pix on their website.
2006-02-13 22:34:04 UTC
There are some nice ocean views in Bandon, Oregon. We rented a room from a place off the 101 called the Harbor view. It's since changed it's name, but the sign still says somehting like "formerly the harbor view" so its' easy to find.

When we were looking for a place to live I looked all along the coast and talked to freinds who live in other parts of Oregon.. I think Yachats is a nice little town, north of Florence. The drive is pretty and the sea lion caves are nearby. I didnt' think much of the motel we were in, just some highway no name.

Up a bit further is Waldport and newport, one of them has a pretty bridge, I dont remember which but they're very close to each other. Up north Talimook has lots of cows and green wet hills. it's really pretty.

Finally, Astoria has a neat tower about the oregon migration and a super neat bridge into Washingtons state. There are several visiters centers along the highway, be sure to stop in and get advice. I also found the AAA book on Oregon and Washington state useful.

We currently live in Coos Bay, Oregon. I hope you have a nice trip.

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