When is the best time to visit Oregon?
2006-01-11 08:35:47 UTC
I am getting married in August and was thinking of going to Oregon.
Six answers:
2006-01-11 08:45:50 UTC
Spring and summer can be really nice. You should have fun if you visit in August.
2006-01-24 12:30:43 UTC
well, Oregon is a nearly unique place that has two climates. The cascade mountains block weather from traveling farther than 100 miles inland. so on the west side of oregon,you get very wet almost rainforest weather. on the east side of the mountain range, you get much more arid climates. If you want to hit the best weather on both sides of the state, your best bet is July to September.

Enjoy one of the best states around
missy isa
2006-01-11 22:02:22 UTC
I love oregon, and have visited twice in the first to second week in september, the weather was great!
2006-01-22 20:47:00 UTC
You could hit the jack pot for good weather in August. Congratulations!!! Remember this "It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow", same goes for marriage.

2006-01-11 17:03:07 UTC
not now...they are having a record's rained for like 40 days...hey wait...Where's Noah! Noah! Help Seattle's drowning!
2006-01-24 08:12:28 UTC
spring, it's BEAUTIFUL!!!

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