What better way to start things off, than with a romantic dinner. I would recommend two locations. One, the Melting
Pot, in a private booth enjoying a glass of wine, and dipping
food to cook on a hotplate while you enjoy good conversation.
They serve the food in separate portions. Beginning with a
salad of your choice (I recommend the mushroom), to the
meat and also vegies that are boiled in broth. Then is the
most wonderful of all. A chocolate fondue, with your choice
of chocolate flavors. It takes over an hour to eat here, as it
is an 'event', that takes it's own time. And in slowing down
the pace of eating, you digest food the way you are supposed
to. And your stomach has time to rest. It's a wonderful dining
experience, you are sure to remember for years to come.
The other recommendation, is for the London Grill in the
basement of the Benson Hotel on Broadway. This has a
very nice atmosphere. Almost posh in appearance. And
the waiting staff is impeccable, and alert to your every
need, should you have one. They do expect to be tipped
well in this restaurant tho. And at the Melting Pot, not as
heavily, perhaps. You would be expected to dress up for
both restaurants, to an after 5:00 look. This is where, "the
little black dress", comes in handy, that we're advised to
have in our wardrobes. The Benson Hotel, has been known
for it's service and accomodations for as long as I can re-
member. It's ambiance is uncomparable. It is a first rate
place to spend any special occasion. And all of my visits
there have been special in the past. You will never have a
complaint there and you will enjoy your food and it will be
a dining pleasure you surely won't forget.