How is Portland?
2006-02-17 08:48:36 UTC
What is portland like im thinking about moving there and was just wandering.
Three answers:
2006-02-18 23:11:43 UTC
Portland is a cross between San Francisco & Seattle. It has a small town feel to it. You can actually drive your car downtown and park on the street. People are generally friendly compared to other cities I have lived in. Excellent restaurants, not as good as NYC or SF but most ethnic restaurants are covered here. The rain is frequent but not as intense as other places.

Visit, just don't tell to many people, we don't need crowds.
2006-02-17 09:48:42 UTC
I moved here 3 years ago from the Bay Area ... I love it! You should come for a visit ... why are you considering moving here? Look into the climate (today its really cold and windy), housing prices (appreciation has been 10-20% a year the past few years), employment (what field are you in), look at the cost of living here compared to where you live (there are cost of living calculators online) ... good luck!
2006-02-18 13:33:49 UTC
It's a great place!

Pros: Nice friendly people, housing is much more affordable than other cities I lived in, good public transit, fun atmosphere

Cons: lots of rain, can be cold, job market is tight in most fields.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.