Where can I visit hop fields in Oregon?
2006-03-23 16:20:33 UTC
I'm staying in Portland in the last week of April. I'm a beer enthusiast and I'd like to see the famous hops of Oregon. Any pointers would be helpful.
Four answers:
2006-03-23 16:27:30 UTC
I'm not sure about Oregon, but a huge % of all hops grown in the U.S. comes from the Yakima valley, just the other side of the Columbia River in WA.
2006-03-24 00:29:56 UTC
What famous hops of Oregon?
2006-03-29 01:23:26 UTC
I have seen hop fields around Dallas and Independence... maybe google it...
2006-03-24 00:27:49 UTC
why wold you want to do that?

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